Monday, February 11, 2013

2nd Post

Okay, I don't know how often I intend to post. Once a week? Once a month? Once a year?
Who cares? Seriously? Who gives a shit?
I know that I spoke of an epiphany - my epiphany. It's not that complicated (in print at least)
I have a limited amount of time on this planet. I am dying (you are too - deal with it - accept it)
If I live out my life expectancy to the age of 78, that means that my life is half over. Half. That is such a sobering thought that, for now, I am going to simply leave it at that. And what did I do with the first half? Let's not even get into that right now.
And what of life expectancies? Do they include people who are bedridden, who have to buy those little plastic containers that help the older folks with the health issues to separate their Monday Tuesday Wednesday Et Cetera pills into something more manageable?
I don't want to go out like that.
Do I deserve happiness? Do I deserve the opportunity to chase the things that I feel are important?
I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.
Maybe if we all chased our dreams, there wouldn't be anybody left to serve me a cup of coffee and a pancake at 7am on a random Thursday morning in Missouri.
I ponder this. The older I get, the more questions I ask. The more questions I ask, the more answers seem out of reach.